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Science is one of the most "educational" subjects in my opinion. You learn about so many thing, and It is like we change topics every week. It is a bit overwhelming, but at the same time, you can learn a lot very quickly. I have always thought that science is the topic for very smart people, and that it isn't much, but I have come to see that it isn't that complicated at times, and it is very divers, from space exploration to plant biodiversity. I like that diverse system because there is garunteed something in science that interests a person. If they like gaming, the science of computers. Plants? Plants life. It is endless, and fun at the same time.

One of the projects we had to do was part of a circut program, and then we had to build a circuit model. Me and my friend made a hand making a thumbs up sign with a light on its thumb. You can turn it on and off, and the hardest part was not the circuit, just building the actual hand and keeping it standing. It was fun to do, and It was something that I actually haven't done for a while.

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